Renewable energy

Nothing can live without energy. People , animals and plants need energy to live and machine need energy to work . Today , most of the energy we use still comes from fossil fuel like coals , oil and gas , which have been formed underground over million of years . We call these non-renewable forms of energy ; because of this we need to reduce our use of non-renewable fuel and use more renewable forms of energy like that from the sun , wind and geothermal energy
المجالات :
الذكاء الاصطناعي,الواقع المعزّز,الواقع الافتراضيبداية النشاط : 2022/01/23 على الساعة 19:30
انتهاء النشاط : 2022/01/23 على الساعة 20:30
الفئة العمرية المستهدفة :
كلّ الفئاتEnergy from the sun is probably the best form of renewable energy . Scientists believe that the sun's energy will last for another five billion year . This energy can now be captured and stored . It's important for us to save energy in our homes and work places in order to stop using up non-renewable sources of energy .
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